Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Ok, it is Tuesday, but I had to post these photos taken after Daniel's bath yesterday.


Paul and Candice said...

Hi, I'm a friend of Krystal's, and I wanted to tell you that these pictures of Daniel are ADORABLE! I've been popping over on your blog some from Krystal's, and your family is just precious. Thought it was about time I stopped lurking and let myself be known!

Congrats, too, on the camera! That is so exciting! You're going to have so much fun learning about it and using it. You'll have to post what all you learn in your photography classes! I know Krystal and I would be very interested! I have an older version of the camera Krystal has, but we're hoping to upgrade in the near future!

Are you having fun with your Project 365? I am, but it's making me take a ton more pictures than usual! My kit shipped today...I'm so excited!

Please feel free to pop on over and leave comments on my blog as well. I think my blog shows up as Thoughts from the Diamond on Krystal's blog roll!

Paul and Candice said...

This is the link to the kit I was talking about. I'm a big scrapbooker, so this was the way I decided to do my Project 365. The Flickr group would be so much easier, but I already had it in my mind to get the kit before I really thought it through:)



Mrs. H said...

Hey Sasha! These pictures crack me up! He's got natural locks like his Mama! Beautiful!