Thursday, January 15, 2009

Danielspeak - a New Language!

Following the example of my friend and cousin Krystal, I added a new gadget to my side bar - DanielSpeak. He is starting to say different words and I want to remember when he said what. It is going to be very interesting to see what combination of Russian and English he is going to start speaking. I've read time and time again that children that are exposed to two or more different languages start to speak much later then their counterparts raised in a single-language home. I am not sure if that will apply to Daniel since he is saying five or six words already.

I also started showing Daniel the Baby Signing Time DVD about two months ago. He really did not seem very interested so I decided to put it off for a while. We started watching the DVD again three or four days ago and Daniel is very interested. I did not expect to use any of the signs for a while, but today, while eating lunch, he signed "all done". I asked him if he was full and he nodded his head yes and said da (Russian for yes). I was so surprised! I am one proud momma!

Finally, here are a few pictures of Daniel with Julie:


Mrs. H said...

Wow Sasha that is awesome! Jason says it looks like he is speaking more in russian? That is just amazing! He is so young! don't you just love the signing? I loved when Griffin could sign "more" and "all done". It made meals so easy!

Beverly and Robert said...

Daniel has the most beautiful eyes. He is a really handsome boy. He sounds very smart too!!
I wish I had of started with the signing with my daughter.
I hope poor Daniel is feeling better soon.

Paul and Candice said...

That is awesome that he's signing and understanding it. I never could get Paul David to get it...he started letting me know pretty early what he wanted! I had some English as a Second Language learners in my Kindergarten class the last couple years I taught, and it was AMAZING how well they handled two different languages. If you keep it up, he will speak them both well! That's just awesome!

To answer your question from my blog, I do use the flash. I try to get the camera flash up and just about ready before I go in to take the picture. Paul David's a pretty deep sleeper after he's been in there awhile, so I usually just go in right before I go to bed (about 2 hours after he's gone down).

You should try it one night...they're the sweetest pictures I think!