Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Can I get some sleep, please?!?!

Daniel's sleep schedule started changing about two weeks ago. He used to take two naps a day, one from about 11am to 12:30pm and second from about 3:30pm to 5pm, and then go bed at about 8:30pm and sleep till 8:30-9am. Now, if he takes two naps a day he wants to stay up till 11pm, which does not leave any relaxation time for Stephen and I. So I have been trying to only allow Daniel to take one nap a day. But that means that he becomes VERY cranky around 7pm. We do not know what to do anymore, somebody help!

In addition to the little issue above, Daniel started to wake up at 3 am on the dot every night, hungry and ready to play. It takes us almost an hour every night to put him back to sleep. Daniel has always been a great sleeper, he slept 5-6 hours at night since birth and started sleeping 10-11 hours at 6 weeks. It is impossible to put him back to sleep in his crib, we have to rock him to sleep in his stroller. We are at our wits end! What did we do wrong? How can we change all this? He just got over a sinus infection, so maybe that was the cause. Did anybody else have similar problems? We need help!


Mrs. H said...

OK, you might need me to call you cause this could get long...but I'll try...

First, teeth always caused my kids "perfect" sleep to be messed up! ALWAYS!

Second, if he is waking up in the night I would go in and give him a pacifer if he takes one or just lay him back down, pat his back, tell him you love him and leave the room. You might have to go in several times but after a night or 2 he will stop getting up. I promise! This is what we did with our boys...

And I would not rock him to sleep in his stroller any more either. Make him learn to go to sleep in his bed by himself.

This may sound harsh and if you don't feel right doing it then you shouldn't. But I read Babywise...and I only wished I had of read it when I had Alli! It worked miracles with our babies!

Call me if NONE of this made any sense!

Love y'all!

Paul and Candice said...

I hate to say this, and I hate to give her the big head, but Krystal's right:) This is a hard subject to give advice on because everyone's comfort level with crying is different. For me, I was so tired and pretty immune to Paul David's crying by the time he was like, oh, a week old, that it wasn't all that hard for me to let him fuss some at night, especially when he got older.

Basically, you've got to do what you're comfortable with, but if you want your kiddo to sleep, do as Krystal does...that's what I did. I saw how good Walker slept, and I knew I wanted a good sleeper, too, so I followed her advice:)

If it's teeth, then this too shall pass! Those suckers mess up life everytime!

Sasha said...

Thank you so much for your advise, gals! We tried it last night, and he stopped crying after less than 5 minutes. I hope that it continues to work as well. Maybe we can start getting some sleep again :) So thanks again. I ordered the Babywise book today!

Mrs. H said...

I am so happy it worked for you! It really does make a huge difference for you and the baby! And FYI, I didn't follow the babywise book to the "T" but I was very strict on the sleeping worked for us! Let me know if you have any questions!