Monday, December 8, 2008

Daniel got his 3rd tooth

...and he can use it. Sasha has the teeth marks to prove it! Sunday morning we woke up to discover that Daniel's top, front, left tooth came in, which explains the recent increase in crankiness and drool. Since they usually come in pairs, we think the right one will be in soon.

Sasha is taking Daniel to an ENT this morning and we will learn whether or not ear tubes will be necessary to prevent any more ear infections. I hope that they are not necessary, but we'll do whatever it takes to make sure that Daniel's hearing is not affected. Apparently, it is more or less a routine procedure, but I always worry about general anesthesia.

I never posted after Thanksgiving, so I want to write a bit about the things that I am thankful for. First of all, I am thankful for my wonderful wife Sasha. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. Your mothering instincts are unsurpassed. You are graceful under stress, and always swift to rush in to rescue me when I am struggling with a dirty diaper. You are elegant and charming. You are brilliant and always patient in explaining abstract ideas to others. You have a clear sense of direction. I always turn to you when I am lost. I love you more than life itself. I am thankful to Daniel. I never knew how much happiness a little baby could bring into my life. He gives me purpose. I love that little guy. I am thankful for my friends and family. Every one of them has helped my become who I am today.

And, oh yes,... I am good with the icing.

1 comment:

Mrs. H said...

Stephen I got teary eyed reading this one and then almost spit out my drink with the last line in the post! You are such a sweet hubby and father! I could tell that just the few times I've been around you!

Can't wait for us all to visit soon!

We'll be making our gingerbread house probably this weekend! Stay tuned!

Merry Christmas!