Thursday, December 4, 2008

Daniel is walking!!!

I am very-very happy to announce that Daniel started walking today. Of course he needs us to hold him below his armpits to help him with his balance, but he is moving his feet! He looks so cute when he does it and looks so proud of himself. Even funnier is the fact that he will only walk when one person is holding him and another is calling him. I tried to get him to walk when nobody else was home and he would not do it! Too funny!!! He really dislikes being on his stomach or when we place him on all fours, he always tries to stand up or wiggle his way to a sitting position. He loves to stand though!!! And now to walk!!! He just might be one of those babies that never crawl.

Sorry for the quality of the video - it was taken with a cell phone.

1 comment:

Mrs. H said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe he is walking! Get ready the fun is about to begin ;)!