Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Daniel is well

Daniel is doing great after his surgery this morning to insert ear tubes. I am very impressed with the Children's Hospital here in Atlanta. They were very professional, thorough, and quick with everything. We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 this morning and were discharged a little after 8am. Daniel slept all the way home and took 2 hour nap once we got home (Stephen and I did too). When Daniel woke up around 11am he was ready to go. He behaves like a different child. He is so much more active and rambunctious. Even though he really did not seem to be in pain before his surgery, we can clearly see that he was and he was being careful not to hurt himself more. I am so happy we finally got this surgery. I know that it is too early to tell, but it seems to be working great for him. Also, after 48 hours we can resume all of his activities. I cannot wait to go back to the swimming pool and Gymboree with him. It will be so much fun to see him with kids again. He needs interaction with children, he loves to play and watch the other little ones. And I love watching him socialize.

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