I am calling to you, more experienced moms and dads, please help me figure out what to do for Daniel's First Birthday. It is still about 5 weeks away, so I have time left for the preparations. As per the latest count we have about 8-10 kids and 25-30 adults coming. I really like the Chuck E Cheese's but what are so many adults going to do there? Our apartment is not nearly big enough to accommodate this many people and we cannot rent out our club house. I am not sure where/how to celebrate in an adult- and kid-friendly fashion. Especially, since the ages of the kids range from baby (Daniel) to 11 year-old. Any advise will be greatly appreciated!
I had to laugh when you said "What would adults do at Chuck E Cheese?" We have celebrated my husband's birthday there every year since we've been married...he just turned 33! We go all the time and have a blast playing the games. If you do decide to do Chuck E Cheese, go to their website and sign up for coupons...they have one that you get as an introductory that's 100 tokens for $10. Go stock up on those and hand some out to the adults as well...they'll have a blast!
For Paul David's, I'm thinking we'll probably do Chuck E Cheese or set up a table at the park and have pizza delivered. That way the kids can just play, and the adults can visit.
For his 1st bday, we did "I Dig Being ONE!" as our theme, and I bought construction stuff to decorate with. The kids got pails and shovels with candy and stickers as party favors. We had a cake made at a store that was just roads, and we added some little construction vehicles to it and a road sign that I made that said, "I Dig Being One!"
Hope all that helps. E-mail me if any of that was confusing or you want more! Didn't mean to write a novel!
Hey Candice, Thank you for the comment. Maybe I did not explain everything. The adults include my 3 still very Russian grandparents who are in their late 70's early 80's who do not think that pizza is food :). I would enjoy CEC's myself, but I doubt that my grandparents will too much. I guess I am trying to cater to everybody. I never organized a baby birthday party, and I just might need to relax, it's not like Daniel is going to remember any of it anyway :)
Girl I'd have it at the park! That was it is easy and the kids can run and play! You could have some games organized for entertainment!
Your comment to Candice made me laugh!
Ooh, I can understand your concern over Chuck E Cheese, now. I was thinking the parents of the kids:)
I'm sure that whatever you do it will be perfect! I can't wait to see the pictures from it...I just LOVE pictures of the first cake smash!
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