Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend - by Sasha

This was the first long weekend since Daniel was born and it was wonderful to have Stephen around for three days straight. At first we were planning to go to New Hope, PA on Sunday but than decided that 2 hour drive each way was too long for a two-months old to handle. We spent Saturday at a neighborhood park. Here is Stephen with the baby:

Daniel was sleepy at that point, combination of oxygen and food does it every time. We also did a little bit of shopping at Babies R Us and went for a slice of pizza, which we try not to do too often because we end up with heart-burn usually :)

Sunday was a very slow day for us, we lounged around and did not do much at all. I did go a little crazy with the camera and took about 50 pictures of Daniel laying on our bed. Here are a couple examples. I thought this one was too funny:
What I really dislike about living in an apartment building in NYC is that we do not have a place to grill out. I do not think the fire officials would be very happy if we put a grill on the fire escape :) My in-laws in Louisiana send me pictures like the one below every time they grill out, and it makes me so jealous!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

by Sasha

Today I decided to start my own blog. I hope in the future it will be interesting to look back and read what I was thinking each day and what was happening in our lives. It is too bad that I did not start blogging while I was pregnant and when my son Daniel was born 10 weeks ago. There is so much that goes through a woman's mind when she is pregnant. And after giving birth it is SO easy to forget - Mumnesia :)

My life right now is centered around one thing and one thing only - my baby son Daniel Alexander Cole who was born March 12th, on his due date. He was 8lbs exactly and 20.5 inches. Here he is at 3 days of age, one of the first pictures we took when we got home:

However, he managed to gain 3 lbs each month since birth, so he was 14lbs a week ago at his 2-months check-up. My mum says that I am a good milk cow :) He is a very good baby - sleeps 9-10 hours at night which made me human again :) But during the day it is sometimes hard to put him down for a nap inside. So I have to take him for couple of walks a day in the neighborhood park and he sleeps there wonderfully. The walks have actually been good for me as I am down to my prepregnancy weight already. Also, he is extremely talkative and funny, I enjoy him very much! In the mornings he does not cry when he wakes up, he just talks very loudly and smiles when I come to him and undo his swaddling cloth. And he smells so good!!! When do they stop smelling like that? I hope not for a while... because I am seriously addicted :)